Water Worm Testimonials
Self-Watering System for House Plants
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Here are a few of the unsolicited testimonials we have received.
I absolutely love the Water
Worms I bought previously, and now I'm buying enough to take care
of all my plants while I'm on vacation.
Thanks for the peace of mind! L.F. - Portland, OR ***
Water worms are fantastic. We have a second home
in upstate NY that we do not visit every weekend. I used 1 gallon milk jugs for
my outdoor pots and the pots were more than 1/2 full after 2 weeks! What a simple,
great idea A.P. - Yonkers, NY ***
I contacted you right before I was leaving on vacation,
but there wasn't time for me to receive an order.
My colleague here, was kind enough to lend me
three of hers. I wanted to tell you they saved the day. I had three
beautiful ferns outside that I felt certain would have died. It was a
very hot week and I came home to three very, very happy ferns.
I have ordered 10 of them through the mail from your website. M.R. - Pittsburgh,PA ***
Thank you so much for your quick service. The Water Worms are just great!
I will probably order more. I also have friends and relatives that I am telling about them. G.J. - Peoria, AZ ***
Being away a full month, and leaving several twenty-year old plants
- as well a one-year-old lemon tree - in the care of Water Worm, we were delighted to see their
robust condition upon our return. The person who checked the plants several times in our absence
did not need to refill the water containers, and ample amounts remained after one month.
The plants thrived. We followed the instructions provided by Polymath Company for the
use of Water Worm, and really appreciate the uncomplicated efficiency of your product.
Thanks for the peace of mind it gave us! M.H. - Williamsburg, VA ***
Thank you for your message and prompt shipping. I found the Water Worms
I ordered to be very useful and effective, and decided to order more for my other plants. J.U. - Valley Stream, NY ***
I really love my Water Worms. I travel constantly and am home usually only
on some weekends. Plus, I tended to overwater my plant before. Now I water
very infrequently and just leave my Water Worms in the plants. I was gone
(without coming home on weekends) from the beginning of December to
mid-January, and my plant never looked better! Just thought you'd like to know. S.S. - Long Beach, CA ***
I purchased 2 Water Worms and just want to say they worked as advertised.
Left my plants for almost 3 weeks and they were doing fine when I returned. Thanks! D.B. - Fort Worth, TX ***
I'd just like to say this is the best experience I have EVER had with a web
company. The product was explained completely. Notice of the order was received quickly. Shipping was
included in the pricing and the product arrived fast. I even bought more Water Worms due to the courteous
note that I could receive discount pricing as an existing customer. T.W. - Wilmington, DE
I went on vacation two weeks ago and all my plants were happily drinking when I returned. This saved me the
hassle of finding someone to do the watering for me. I had been considering rigging up some complicated
tubing with timers, pumps and what not--- whew. I think your pricing is very reasonable and will buy more
if I need them. Thank you!
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